So who is still keeping up with their resolutions? It's only week two I know, but I know how easy it is to slip, and slipping is OK, we are only human! I actually believe that is a VERY important point, which is why I want to post S.E's week journal update, I was both moved, engaged and inspired reading her entries. I think we can ALL identify, but what I fell in love with most was the fact that she owned up to 'slip' days, and didn't let herself fall totally off track, instead she would make up for it and hop right back on the next day.
As you read her journal you get a sense of how much 'self-talk' plays an important role. Kudos to S.E for being an ambassador to the program and being candid and honest in sharing her journey with us.
S.E. Journal Week 2
1.09.2012: I did the AR Burpee workout today. WOW! that is one intense workout! Toward the end, I modified the burpee here and there (to stepping back and forward). I can see how this workout gives results. I have to say, I was dreading this workout before I did it (I have done burpees in workouts before and know how hard they are. I am not even close to my former fitness level right now so I anticipated that this workout would be hard)…after I finished the workout, I realized that it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had expected and I felt really good from it. Another thank you to Amanda! (as a side note, I didn’t run today -- time restraints and I was tired. I will rearrange my runs this week so that I get in the mileage I need for my half-marathon training). How am I feeling? stronger…little by little, I am rebuilding strength and endurance
1.10.2012: This morning was a bit of a disappointment for me. After one week on the AR Program, I have felt better and I feel like I'm leaning out and building back my muscle tone and strength. But this a.m., I weighed myself...only to find that I had gained weight. From past training and monitoring my weight and body fat, I know that if the number on the scale goes up it is not necessarily an indicator of what is going on...but it can play a mind-trick on you! I just have to stay positive, and use this to fuel me to stick with Amanda's workouts...over time, I'll see results. I reached out to Amanda, and she gave me great positive feedback. She also mentioned that diet is 70% of the equation -- a good reminder to keep my diet clean and healthy. I also need to focus on drinking more water.
On a purely positive note, Amanda has me doing push-ups daily. I have been doing them modified (on my knees). I am noticing that the modified version is not as challenging, so I am incorporating regular push-ups. That's exciting...I did one full set of regular, and am waiting less time (practically no time) in between sets. That alone shows me that I'm getting stronger again.
Today's workouts: 3.5 mile run at lunch time - interval run: I pushed hard! I felt great after and I'm looking forward to tonight's AR Hotel workout.
**Okay…so "tonight's workout" never happened! I was exhausted after a long day, and ended up asleep by 8:30 p.m.! also, I didn't eat healthy - maybe because I was tired and perhaps discouraged from this morning...I need to refocus and not let "imperfection" to take away from all the good things I've been doing/have done! I had a great run today and will fit in the Hotel workout later this week. As long as I keep up with this, I will see results…
1.11.2012: I ran 2 miles on the treadmill and did the LBD workout. I did all of that during my lunch break at work…the AR workouts are easy to do at the gym (I usually do them at home), and short enough that you can fit one in during a lunch break (as long as you don't mind getting sweaty, which I don’t!). I am noticing that my arms are getting more defined again, which is good. Interestingly enough, my forearms are sore (maybe from the Burpee workout??? not sure). I feel like I had a great workout today. With each great workout, it helps keep me focused and on track. Again, I'm not letting a day here or there that is no so on point affect my overall perspective or undermine everything else I'm doing.
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