Dearest AR Bootycampers!
How was your week? I’m dying to hear from you! For those of you who made it to last week’s DAY ONE, how are you feeling? Were you sore?
Was this Program the catalyst for a larger plan for you? I’ve heard from many of you, and know that everyone is here for their own reasons –I love that we ARE making the choice to HONOR OUR REASON.
Kudos to the Katie’s for posting on our blog ( ) their goals. I have a feeling many of us share some of the same ones BUT I didn’t hear from you L I think it is very special that we all came together to enlist in this program, now let’s step it up and get active and rally our feelings and our support!
MY GOAL for this program is for you all to develop more than just fitness throughout the 5 weeks, I want to create a supportive network of awesome women, so even if you don’t want to share your own goals or reasons, step up and support those who have divulged their secrets on our blog- it’s all about SUPPORT!
CHECK YOU OUT! AND check out the pictures of all the hot ladies sweating it out at our bootcamp last week:
For those who didn’t make it last week, get excited for tomorrow! You may want to bring a towel and DEFINITLEY some water! You will also NEED a pad of paper and a pen J You will see why tomorrow.
Whether you started last week or tomorrow is your first day, open up a notebook tonight and come back to that journal. The importance of this element in your fitness journey is beyond describable. Note your workouts, how you felt, when you skipped a day, and your food log if you wish. It’s only 5 weeks and you will never know what worked and what didn’t without mapping the coarse.
EVERY person who has achieved their dream body or fitness level can recall their turning point, when they decided to throw all excuses out the window and MAKE the time to commit, to make this a priority – let’s GET AFTER IT!
DROP IN: It's not too late, if you want to drop in for a class or two, or perhaps entice a fried, drop-in rate is $20.00 - the more the merrier!
Special Announcements!
Gorgeous AR Program/BodyRock Sport Tanks: Esteemed BodyRock Designer Kelly Dooley has collaborated with me to design gorgeous ‘fashion meets fitness’ tanks for all of you lovely ladies! We will be distributing them tomorrow and Kelly will be taking class wit hall of us!
ZICO WATER: Your thirst will be quenched and your electrolytes and potassium restored tomorrow with support from our sponsor ZICO Premium Coconut Water
PRIZES: I have my eye on all of you, and at the end of the 5 weeks, I am awarding titles/prizes for a few different categories. Ranging from ‘spirit’ to ‘effort’ to ‘support and dedication to sheer Wins (which is why you must keep track of how many relay win races you have.
See you all tomorrow- PIER 46 at 6:15PM sharp!
Amanda Russell
Health & Fitness Professional
Founder of Amanda Russell Workouts, LLC
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